Chair Kathy Nicol announced that the RCFC Community Grants committee has awarded grants to 3 local charities during this COVID-19 pandemic.  Using $3,500 available from noon venue and meal costs, the Board of Directors approved a $1,500 grant to the Food Bank of Larimer County, $1,500 to Homeward Alliance, and $500 towards a District Matching Grant to purchase 3,000 non-FDA approved disposable masks to be delivered to the Fort Collins Rescue mission for use by the homeless population there.  Masks were obtained via newly inducted Rotarian Min Fan's organization, Heartland China. 
John Trone, Chuck Rutenberg, Robin Steele and Min worked together to write, submit and get the grant approved in less than 48 hours.  With teamwork, it can be done...  And, the masks arrived April 15 from Hong Kong.  
UPDATE:  Min Fan, Randy Kurtz and Robin Steele delivered 1000 masks each to Homeward Alliance/Murphy Center, the Northside Aztlan Center, and the Fort Collins Rescue Mission, so the project is complete!