The Board has approved the membership of Julie Hutchinson and Tom McCraw in our evening group.
Julie moved to Fort Collins from North Carolina and works for the VA hospital system supporting homeless veterans. Julie has been a Registered Nurse for twenty years, fifteen of them with the Veterans Administration. She is the mother of four children, the youngest of which is a high school student. Julie has already volunteered with our Rotary Club.

Tom McCraw is the Chief Financial Officer of Tillamook Country Smoker, known for its beef jerky products and headquartered in Oregon. A graduate of Memphis State University, he has lived in multiple states and moved to Fort Collins in 2019 with his wife of 35 years, Donna. They have three grown children, and moved here when their daughter chose to remain after graduating from CSU. His two sons have also now moved to Fort Collins. Tom was a Rotarian twenty years ago in Florida and looks forward to being an active member.