Here are the details.
Rotary Quad Club Social Potluck
Sunday, March 2nd
Sunday, March 2nd
Where: The Drake Center – 802 E. Drake
Who: Open to all Fort Collins Rotarians and their families
Who: Open to all Fort Collins Rotarians and their families
Arrive at 4:45 - Dinner served at 5:00, short presentation at 6:00
Beer, wine, lemonade, water and all paper goods will be provided
Each Rotarian that signs up or attends will be asked to bring a $10.00 donation which will be
presented to the local Rotaract Club for their project on food insecurity.
If your name ends in A-F please bring a MAIN DISH
G-L please bring a SALAD
M-R please bring a SIDE
S-Z please bring a DESSERT
Please sign up and let us know the number from your family that will be attending.