
Donating to Rotary means clean water and sanitation. Health and hope in areas that were once ravaged by diseases like polio. Economic development and new opportunities. Your financial help makes all this happen, and more.

Rotary Club of Fort Collins Charities is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible as allowed by law.
When donating from your Donor Advised Fund or doing a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA, please select, Rotary Club of Fort Collins Charities, Inc,  EIN:  84-1027489 
Please make checks payable to "Rotary Club of Fort Collins Charities"
Rotary Club of Fort Collins Charities
P.O. Box 1206
Fort Collins, CO 80522-1206
Our Endowment Funds
Supporting our humanitarian work in perpetuity
Rotary Cub of Fort Collins
International Endowment Fund